Injury training and network development

Injury training and network development

Since early 2002, we have worked with Harborview Center for Injury Research of the University of Washington and Queensland University of Technology to review and develop training curricula for different audiences on: Injury Epidemiology and Research Methods in Injury, Injury Intervention – Program and Lessons learnt, Surveillance System for Injury Prevention and Data Analysis, Behavior Changes – Application for Injury Prevention Programs, Law and Enforcement in Injury Prevention Programs, etc.

We also work our partners to develop a practical training program for injury practitioners based on TEACH-VIP (Teaching - Violence and Injury Prevention) program recommended by WHO. The TEACH-VIP training materials have been adapted for Viet Nam. All teaching and learning materials are in Vietnamese, with Viet Nam data and examples. This includes 15 lessons, with their associated PowerPoint, instructors’ notes, exercises, and readings. 

Injury training program for public health students at HSPH was significantly improved. We have produced a series of curriculum modules on Injury Epidemiology; Injury Prevention; and Injury Research and Management.  We also set up the fellowship programs on Injury Prevention for research fellows from other collaborating institutions to be trained at our CIPPR. 

CIPPR is active member of injury prevention community in Vietnam and internationally. Currently senior staff of CIPPR have appointed as:

  • Secretariat of Road Traffic Injury Research Network (RTIRN), and the office of RTIRN is based at CIPPR/Hanoi from 2014.









  • Key member of National Road Safety Committee

  • Core member of WHO/TEACH-VIP group

With the needs and our capacity, we would like to propose a plan to strengthen capacity on injury prevention in LMICs in Western Pacific Region.