Teach VIP course in 2015

From September 28 to October 02, 2015; the Center for Injury Policy and Prevention Research (CIPPR), Hanoi School of Public Health was approved by WHO regional office to organize a training course on “Injury and Violence Prevention in Asia Pacific Region” using TEACH-VIP 2 (Training, Educating and Advancing Collaboration in Health on Violence and Injury Prevention) curriculums. The course was included 20 paticipants from 03 countries (VietNam, Laos and Cambodia).


To provide public health professionals a fundamental overview of knowledge and skills for violence and injury prevention including: injury epidemiology and the design, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based intervention programs.

The specific objectives of the course are:

  • Identify and analyze violence and injury problems in the community and determine priorities for intervention programs
  • Improve specific knowledge and skills related to injury epidemiology, and injury prevention programme development, implementation and evaluation
  • Develop competencies as trainers in violence and injury conducting training courses on injury-related topics in their home countries and institutions.