Child Declaration for Road Safety

Why are thousands of children killed and injured on the roads around the world every single day? Because not enough is being done. You, our leaders, need to listen and act. We are children. In the future we may have a say, but right now it’s up to you to help us. Action needs to be taken as soon as possible or many children won’t have the chance to grow old enough to have their voices heard. And here’s where you, our leaders and other adults can help us, by joining this call for action to make sure all children can travel in safety. We all deserve a safe journey to and from school. Roads must be made safe to allow children to walk to school. We want safe footpaths and cycle paths, we want road bumps to slow the traffic, and we want safe crossings so that we can get an education without fear or injury. We call for all vehicles carrying children, anywhere and everywhere in the world, to be safe. All cars and buses should have seatbelts. When children ride with adults on motorcycles and scooters, they must have helmets that can protect them. We know that wearing a helmet or putting on a seatbelt can save lives. Drinking and driving is dangerous. Speeding is dangerous. People who care about children should not do these things, no one should. The police should do more to protect us and stop people who speed or drink and drive. We must be kept safe all the time - when we’re out with our families, when we’re going to play or to school. Laws must be made, voices must be heard, and there must be action to ensure safe roads for all children, all over the world.
So we call on you, the world’s leaders, to include action against road deaths in the new goals for global development. Wherever we live, we want and expect road safety for our friends, our families and ourselves. We are only children and our voices aren’t always heard. So we need you to help us by taking action. If you provide us with safe roads now, we can and will set a good example for generations to come. Please listen and act. Save Kids Lives.